About Us...

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Welcome to We Love To Illustrate Studio!!!

Hello friends! We are really excited to announce that we have a new name, We Love To Illustrate Studio! This new direction is to promote the group’s love of illustration to the world. We’ll do this by sharing each of the six member’s work as well as group projects such as free downloads and printed group projects, via the internet through social media and/or from our Etsy shop. Our goal is to share our love of illustration more often, so we’ll be creating and posting once a week..more news and illustration from all of us!
A little history about our group, we are all full-time illustrators and designers from across the globe, who came together in 2010 for support, critiques, questions, and a shoulder to lean on. However, unbeknownst to us, so much more has come out of this group. The past four years have been nothing but magical as we shared our work and connected with our readers. We posted our free downloads, had a magazine feature, and received huge support from the blogging community, as well as what’s been going on behind the scenes with each of us. Since we began this group many of us have acquired representation, published books, had work shown in prestigious magazines, created toy and game designs and acquired licensing contracts for designs on various products. That brings us to the reason for our new direction, we would like to give our readers more of a behind the scenes look and share all of our exciting news and projects with you. We’ll still be creating our free downloads, as mentioned above, but it will be limited to the holidays, as well as creating collaborative products that will be sold at our Etsy shop.
We really hope you embrace this new direction with us and continue to be a part of our creative journey, and we wish to ask all of you to help us with the following:
1) update your links to:
www.welovetoillustratestudio.com, 2) follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/welovetoillustratestudio, and Twitter: https://twitter.com/welovetoillo.

We look forward to communicating with all of you as we continue this fantastic journey together, celebrating our love of illustration!

All our best to you, 

The We Love to Illustrate Studio team,

Bee, Cally, Jennifer, Julissa, Nina, & Shirley

To see more of Bee's work, please visit her website.

To see more of Cally's work, please visit her website.

To see more of Jennifer's work, please visit her website.

To see more of Julissa's work, please visit her website.

To see more of Nina's work, please visit her website.

Highlights Let's Play Hidden Pictures Book 30 Jack-a-Dandy spread
To see more of Shirley's work, please visit her website.

1 comment:

  1. I've always loved all of your art! I'll update my blog list! I can't wait to see what you share! Hugs, Diane
